TK Travels

Join Taryn and Kiley in their adventures around the world!

  • Clin d’Oeil

    Clin d’Oeil

    We took a train from Paris to Reims. About 45 minutes away from Paris. Why? To attend the Clin d’Oeil festival! Clin d’Oeil is a Deaf arts festival that is held every 2 years in Reims. The festival offers live performances, film screenings, music, visual and other creative art exhibitions, and many different entertainment options,…

  • Paris


    Day 2 in Paris! We had a late start, since Kiley was feeling under the weather again. Dealing with some sinus issues. We’ve joked saying she’s allergic to Europe, but maybe the joke is on us because she didn’t feel well for sure! I lazed around and tried to catch up on journaling a bit……

  • Bonjour, Paris!

    Bonjour, Paris!

    As usual, for our first full day in a new city, we had a full agenda! We got up early with the goal of hitting two museums before the afternoon. First stop, though – caffeine and pastries! We met Will outside our hotel and walked to a place between our hotels and the first museum…

  • Disneyland Paris

    Disneyland Paris

    After a wonderful visit to London, it was time to get on yet another train and head toward Paris! However, we decided to hold off on Paris for a little while yet and make a detour to Disneyland Paris! If you know me at all, you know I’m a fan of Disney… so of course,…

  • The Making of Harry Potter

    The Making of Harry Potter

    (7/3/24 – Trying to catch up on writing about our trip!) On our last full day in London (June 28), we had a full agenda. First stop of the day before heading on our magical adventure – Borough Market! This market is in central London, and it’s been around for years – you can find…

  • London, Day 2

    London, Day 2

    Last time I was in London, I missed a couple of things that I wanted to see, such as the Churchill War Rooms. We were able to book tickets for today! On the way, we were able to see Big Ben in all its glory, and we also got a glimpse of the Parliament buildings…