
Our last day in the Naples area! We decided to check out Pompeii. Ever since I learned about the devastating volcano eruption that obliterated an entire town years ago when I was in school, its history has fascinated me. So the opportunity to go see it in person was a no brainer. It was a really fun day. The sun was very warm, but there was a wonderful breeze and many neat things to look at in Pompeii. We ended up spending most of the day there.

Kiley was our navigator today!

First, we caught a train from Napoli Centrale, and it was PACKED! It took about 40 minutes to get to Pompeii. Once you’re off the train, the entrance to Pompeii is literally a two minute walk away. Convenient! We got in and quickly became overwhelmed by the huge map and the amount of things to see. We picked a direction and off we went! Honestly, even after spending hours there, I feel like we barely scratched the surface.

I cannot believe how old this city is, and that it’s still there – even though it’s in ruins – for us all to see and enjoy today. I really felt like I was walking through living history today. Pompeii was devastated by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius almost two thousand years ago. People were living, loving, working, dreaming, in the same streets I walked today, two thousand years ago, before it all ended tragically for them.

The rest of this post is mostly gonna be photos because I took a ton.

So overall, Pompeii was really cool to see, and I’d be happy going back to explore even more since the place is huge and there’s plenty more that I could explore.

We got a train back to Naples, and back to the hotel to shower and pack! Off to Florence next…

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One Comment

  1. The pictures look incredible. I googled it as I forgot much of the history. Amazing the detail in the plaster casts of the people and how quickly the volcano must have killed them. They were not blessed with all the alerts we have today. It is hard to believe how old everything is compared to the US.

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